Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Looking at a computer screen, which showed various images of grass at different vividnesses to give examples of differences of vividness in lucid dreams.
How did I not become lucid...

I was up on a grassy mountain, looking at these roller coasters. Two people were talking about them behind me. Then I was cycling on a mountain bike around this mountain, and the two people were cheering me on. The Clash song "Lost in the Supermarket" was playing, and as the line "I kick some holes in the pipes in the wall" came, I saw a pipe and kicked it. Then I was riding backwards, and fearing a crash.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

One of the longer dreams I've ever had, though I can't remember most of it. I was playing a game, going through the levels (of which there were 12) and I got to level 10 before I woke up. Each level was a proper level and not just a flash in the dream. Unfortunately I don't remember half of the levels. The ones I do remember are level 1, 2, 6?, 9, and 10. In level 1 we were in teams of two, and had to work out these anagram names in boxes. Mine went a bit weird, as I saw the answer everywhere. The answer was "Sgt Mary Sue".
Level 2 I had to roll this big ball along a sticky-tape line. There was someone sitting by my line (who is really annoying in real life), and I knew he'd push it off the line, so I complained. I don't remember what happened then.
Level 6 (I think, may have been 5) this creepy music came on, some door shut, and I had to shoot these four people out of the sky. Like in games, they had names next to them. One of them was Screech, which is one of my internet names. I don't remember the others. I shot them all down eventually, and went to the next level.
Level 9 was really cool, and actually like a videogame. First there was this cutscene, which I didn't really watch, of the character in the game going into space (some people said that they were getting a bit fantastical, but I said they had to if they wanted to keep it original. I then pulled out my diary with records of all the levels in it to show them. If only I could remember the diary now.) and I left it for a while, and when I came back the timer was at 1000, so I restarted the level.
Anyway, it was a platformer here, and lava below, and there were heaps of platforms that collapsed, or went down and up.There was one you had to trigger, jump on, and do a sideways jump up to a platform above before you got crushed on the roof. There were also these butterflies which kept turning into really huge (HUGE!) butterflies and turning back again. I said "Hey, I remember those!" but I don't think I do. Maybe, though...
I got to the end of the level and jumped off to float through a shiny bit (still like a platformer game). Then I went straight to level 10. There was this black bulbous thing floating in the air (I think that's who you were in this mission. It was pretty cool.) and the object of the mission was to capture all these animals, whether they were good or evil. Then I woke up.
A part from the diary in the dream I now remember was that you learned plowing and pinball skills (which never happened in the dream) and that you should never plough where apple trees are - the soil is too thin. (?)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Haven't posted.

Most recent dream was lucid, but collapsed as soon as I realised. I was in the city and saw a couple of my friends there holding very large gift-wrapped presents. I waved to them and started talking to one of them about how the plot of Metal Gear Solid makes no sense. Then, suddenly, down below I saw my friend I was talking to throwing a snowball at someone. Hang on, he's up here, how can he be down there? I did a reality check by pinching my nose and seeing if I could breathe through it, and it sorta worked, so I did another reality check by trying to poke my finger through my hand, then the dream collapsed.

Notes from other dreams I've had recently:

Sticky Gun. Vampires. Stash of cash under table.

In a bunker with a K'da.

Also, if anyone is reading this (which I doubt they are) please leave a message.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Lots of dreams last night.

I was at a selection screen for a game, and I selected Lost Woods (which is a place from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It's a great game.). I had collected all but one of something (as you collect things in games) and so I had to run this race against Saria (a character also from Ocarina of Time) through all these cool obstacles in a forest to get the last one. One of the obstacles that sticks out in my mind were all these different sized planks over quicksand. The thinner ones that you were more likely to fall off got you there quicker. It was good design.

I was in a car at night, and being pursued by the police. We stopped them for a while by getting one of their cars to crash, but we needed to find a place to hide the car, and we couldn't find a parking space. So I opened this gate, and there were a couple of spaces inside. In a later dream, I was there again, and we instead just crashed through this fence to a space with lots of parking, then got out, as angry people were coming. Then I went up a path.

I was walking beside a lake. Someone said they'd bought a Meddling Mage card (MTG) to stop people attacking. I asked how much he payed for it. He said $50, but it was worth it.

I was in a car driving past an ocean. There were these huge waves (like 50m high) and I was trying to get someone to look at them, but they didn't want to. I later saw the ocean was a small pond.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Scene 1: I was at this house and could talk to animals. I was trying to persuade these ostriches that were completely hidden in the sand to talk to someone else but they wouldn't and would sing when the other guy's back was turned.

Scene 2: Continued from last scene. There were these cavalrymen going up a hill looking for me. I hid between two bushes, camoflagued to look like them. Many cavalrymen went past without them noticing, but then a clown found me. The clown turned out to be on my side however.
Later in this scene I barged into a house to find out the king was the one who gave the order to search for me. This unnerved me.

Scene 3: I was at an island, and was standing on a plateau from which I could see that volcanoes and lava covered most of the rest of the island. I remarked that it emcompassed air, water, and fire, but not earth, as the island was made of rock. But I thought about it, and decided rock probably counts as earth. I had to fight against these other people, and whoever had the most units was invincible. So I broke up some phone cards, which counted as units. There was a little thing in my vision telling me who was currently invincible. For most of the time the other people were invincible. I punched and kicked etc to see if it would hurt them. It didn't. Then I got to be invincible, and poured a bottle of milk over their heads, which really hurt them. Then they got to be invincible again, and I tried a vulcan nerve pinch on them. It didn't do anything. So I got a book and attacked them while waiting for my turn to be invincible again. Somehow the book got wet, and this really annoyed me. Then I was waiting for my turn, and the other guy said "You're going to try the vulcan nerve pinch on me aren't you?" as indeed I was, but since he was blocking his neck, I was going to kick him first. Then I attacked, but it didn't work for some reason.

Scene 4: This was the really strange one. I was in this room, and this nurse came in and accused someone of something based on the people in the room. That's unimportant. There was this guy lying in a bed. He didn't seem concious but he asked for water. I got him some water and poured it in his mouth. I said I'd get him some warm water, but I had difficulty getting the right temperature, so I gave him some cold water in the meantime. He said "You said warm water." Later he woke up. I asked him what it was like. He said it was like he was trapped inside invisible walls, but everything outside those walls was evil and the devil. That part I remember the most.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Down at the Beach

Scene 1: I was at the beach, and in the water were several people from a forum I frequent (whom I have never seen). I went out to them, but suddenly realised I didn't want them to see me. So I went on my back, and floated a fair way out before standing up again. Apparently there was a rip, and I told this to two people sitting on the edge of the water (like in a swimming pool). Further out there were some shipwrecks.

Scene 2: I could walk through walls, and I was wondering why. I suddenly realised it was because I was becoming less real (>_<). This was also happening to a couple of people around me. This made me very sad because I couldn't be a scientist, and so I started crying. But apparently emotion brought you back to reality, as I was suddenly real again. I told the others to do this, but apparently becoming less real took away emotion. So I told them to think of something really sad that happened to them. Then it ended.

Scene 3: I was in a fairground with a raptor. I don't remember most of it, but nearer the end someone turned a plastic dinosaur into a real one, and the raptor was annoyed at this as it was hungry and had planned to eat the plastic dinosaur. The raptor then said to the plastic dinosaur that it owed it 50 cents, or something like that. I then promised to feed the raptor all the plastic dinosaurs that were defective, like missing a head or something. Someone then put a headless one onto the pile of ones, and I fed it to the raptor. It was happy.

Scene 4: There was some interesting stuff before this, but I can't remember it. The main thing is some people were living on the roof of my house, and we had to get them off. The raptor was there too. Someone had offered them 635 dollars to get them off the roof, then we were going to trap them.

Scene 5: I was in a cafe, and someone ordered a bun muffin. I said they should call it a buffin. :
There was also a bit about an arcade, where I got all these tickets, and planned to get this toy dragon that I'd wanted with them.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Dragon & Eggs

In scene 1 I was at this hotel like place. Several things happened which I can't remember, and then I was standing holding an egg. Someone told me that the egg was very well held, and for a long time (That's not the exact phrasing, and I can't figure out how to phrase it). Then someone else also with some eggs went hysterical and started throwing them at people. Due to this I accidently threw the egg I was holding over my back. This was bad. I think in the dream they were Pokemon eggs.

Scene 2 I was walking along a road when a blue dragon landed and started walking next to me. He couldn't fly without a fair bit of effort and somehow a discussion started on how Archaeopteryx (A flying dinosaur) would have flown. I said it would have had to jump off cliffs. The dragon responded "How would it get up there, if it can't walk very well?"
Eventually we came to this part in the road where there was this pink stuff floating down, and from this part it ended. I said this was the snowline.

Scene 3 is hazy now, which is a shame because it was the most interesting. I was in a house with the dragon and was talking to him about stuff. I think I'd invited him there. It was quite an interesting discussion and I'm annoyed I can't remember it. There was a waterslide in that house, and I went down it for some reason. There was a trivia contest going on, and one of the questions was "Where can you find better poetry than here?" Everyone shouted "A library!" in reponse to this. That's all I remember.