Monday, April 09, 2007

#1 - Mountain School
Hazy now. I was the only student at a school in the mountains. I was going to go bike riding but when I got there I realised not only I wasn't wearing any shoes, I wasn't wearing any clothes. I went back to get some.

#2 - The Argonian Account
Argonians were trying to take over the earth. I was walking down a street trying to incite them to rebel. Everyone was shooting at me, but I had a couch for armour, so I was fine. I found this staircase and hid from the fire in it. By the staircase there was a poster saying they had to do 20-hour duties. I went up the stairs to find a room with two people in it, giving out armour. I demanded some custom armour for my couch, and got some. At this point my toe was hurting, so I looked at it, and big red spikes were growing out of it. I think there were some on my arms, too. I wandered around a bit more, and found some Argonian soldiers. I asked them what they were getting personally for participating. They didn't know.

#3 - The Park, Part 1
I was in a park watching lines of people throw balls into a net. It somehow dawned on me that I was dreaming. Then a dream character came up to me and started talking. So I walked off, but this guy kept talking. Then I woke up.

#4 - The Park, Part 2
I was in the same park as before, moving these symbols on a wall about. I noticed that someone was walking up the wall into the air, and realised I was dreaming again. I'd forgotten what I was going to do, so I tried some morphing but it didn't work. Then I woke up again.


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