Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I woke up remembering a dream, but as I went to write it down I completely forgot it. The only thing I remember from it is someone writing on a blackboard “5 fruit, 7 vegetables” and talking about how that was stupid.

The dream started with me going through an obstacle course on a flooded river, over some rocks. I found a dragon’s egg somewhere, and I took it to an apocathary who identified it. On the apocathary’s shirt was a mushroom-like thing from another dream I had sometime. At this point the dream cut to a scene of a water sculpture, then another water sculpture in a country with more water. After that I was at home, and I was going to see the dragon. My cat was following me. I was vaguely worried I wouldn’t be able to climb onto the dragon, but I knew it would recognise me.
Then the dream went to a restaurant. I was going to buy some chewing gum, which was 5 cents. There was also some for 10 cents. I looked in my wallet, and I had two 5 cent coins and a $2 coin. There was a brown $2 coin in a jar, and I was going to exchange my coin for it. Then I bought some of the 10 cent chewing gum with my 5 cent coins, and I got this velvet box with it that looked valuable. I then went outside, where someone wanted my help gutting a vomiting fish. Then the dream ended.

Nothing again.

I was in a forest, going across a bridge with a pack on my back. I saw this in third person view.
I don’t remember much of this dream, except that I somehow stopped a nuclear war by showing someone a roboraptor over a TV screen.

Nothing remembered due to caffeine.

I was sitting in front of my computer, trying to get to sleep in the dream. Eventually I “fell asleep” and went into another dream. In this dream (Dream B) I thought that I might be dreaming, so I checked my watch and it said something like 13:75. Yep, dreaming.
I walked outsid, got down on the ground and slithered along like a snake in an attempt to turn into one. Unfortunately that didn’t work, so I tried summoning a dragon. The sky turned red, but this worked. The dragon had fur on it, oddly enough. At this point I woke up into the first dream (Dream A) but got back to sleep (Dream B). I was then standing outside a door, trying to convince someone they were dreaming. I tried to get the door to open to New Caladonia (first thing I thought of) but it was already half open and it only lead into a bathroom. I tried to go out the window, smacked into it, but then made it vanish.
At this point I woke back into Dream A, where I was sleepwalking on train tracks. People were unhappy at this behaviour. Then I woke up for real.

I was walking through this weird airport-like place, and eventually I got home. Then this song started playing, and I thought “That isn’t right, I’ve heard this song before in this playlist. It can’t repeat.” Convinced there would be a reasonable explanation, nevertheless I did a reality check. So my finger went through my hand, and I realised I was dreaming. Unfortunately, the dream then shifted, and I forgot. Then I was in this weird office fight. I don’t remember much of that, but afterwards I was walking along a path, and someone was taunting me about the dream about the office fight, and how stupid it was. Then they said “How can I know what your dreams were? You’re still dreaming.” Then I saw a car, and woke up.


Blogger Phan said...

Hey, I've been trying to lucid dream and I found this on the xkcd forums. I have a blog, which has SOME mentions of lucid dreaming. I stopped blogging though, because I got bored of it. I've still haven't successfully lucid dreamed but I haven't really put much effort into it, yet.

Well, nice talking to you and finding out that I'm not the only loser who is trying to lucid dream, heh.

6:37 PM  

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