Saturday, January 20, 2007

One of the longer dreams I've ever had, though I can't remember most of it. I was playing a game, going through the levels (of which there were 12) and I got to level 10 before I woke up. Each level was a proper level and not just a flash in the dream. Unfortunately I don't remember half of the levels. The ones I do remember are level 1, 2, 6?, 9, and 10. In level 1 we were in teams of two, and had to work out these anagram names in boxes. Mine went a bit weird, as I saw the answer everywhere. The answer was "Sgt Mary Sue".
Level 2 I had to roll this big ball along a sticky-tape line. There was someone sitting by my line (who is really annoying in real life), and I knew he'd push it off the line, so I complained. I don't remember what happened then.
Level 6 (I think, may have been 5) this creepy music came on, some door shut, and I had to shoot these four people out of the sky. Like in games, they had names next to them. One of them was Screech, which is one of my internet names. I don't remember the others. I shot them all down eventually, and went to the next level.
Level 9 was really cool, and actually like a videogame. First there was this cutscene, which I didn't really watch, of the character in the game going into space (some people said that they were getting a bit fantastical, but I said they had to if they wanted to keep it original. I then pulled out my diary with records of all the levels in it to show them. If only I could remember the diary now.) and I left it for a while, and when I came back the timer was at 1000, so I restarted the level.
Anyway, it was a platformer here, and lava below, and there were heaps of platforms that collapsed, or went down and up.There was one you had to trigger, jump on, and do a sideways jump up to a platform above before you got crushed on the roof. There were also these butterflies which kept turning into really huge (HUGE!) butterflies and turning back again. I said "Hey, I remember those!" but I don't think I do. Maybe, though...
I got to the end of the level and jumped off to float through a shiny bit (still like a platformer game). Then I went straight to level 10. There was this black bulbous thing floating in the air (I think that's who you were in this mission. It was pretty cool.) and the object of the mission was to capture all these animals, whether they were good or evil. Then I woke up.
A part from the diary in the dream I now remember was that you learned plowing and pinball skills (which never happened in the dream) and that you should never plough where apple trees are - the soil is too thin. (?)


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