Thursday, January 18, 2007

Haven't posted.

Most recent dream was lucid, but collapsed as soon as I realised. I was in the city and saw a couple of my friends there holding very large gift-wrapped presents. I waved to them and started talking to one of them about how the plot of Metal Gear Solid makes no sense. Then, suddenly, down below I saw my friend I was talking to throwing a snowball at someone. Hang on, he's up here, how can he be down there? I did a reality check by pinching my nose and seeing if I could breathe through it, and it sorta worked, so I did another reality check by trying to poke my finger through my hand, then the dream collapsed.

Notes from other dreams I've had recently:

Sticky Gun. Vampires. Stash of cash under table.

In a bunker with a K'da.

Also, if anyone is reading this (which I doubt they are) please leave a message.


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