Saturday, January 06, 2007

Dragon & Eggs

In scene 1 I was at this hotel like place. Several things happened which I can't remember, and then I was standing holding an egg. Someone told me that the egg was very well held, and for a long time (That's not the exact phrasing, and I can't figure out how to phrase it). Then someone else also with some eggs went hysterical and started throwing them at people. Due to this I accidently threw the egg I was holding over my back. This was bad. I think in the dream they were Pokemon eggs.

Scene 2 I was walking along a road when a blue dragon landed and started walking next to me. He couldn't fly without a fair bit of effort and somehow a discussion started on how Archaeopteryx (A flying dinosaur) would have flown. I said it would have had to jump off cliffs. The dragon responded "How would it get up there, if it can't walk very well?"
Eventually we came to this part in the road where there was this pink stuff floating down, and from this part it ended. I said this was the snowline.

Scene 3 is hazy now, which is a shame because it was the most interesting. I was in a house with the dragon and was talking to him about stuff. I think I'd invited him there. It was quite an interesting discussion and I'm annoyed I can't remember it. There was a waterslide in that house, and I went down it for some reason. There was a trivia contest going on, and one of the questions was "Where can you find better poetry than here?" Everyone shouted "A library!" in reponse to this. That's all I remember.


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