Thursday, March 01, 2007


#1 - At the Swimming Pool
(details faded) I was at a swimming pool, and I needed to change back into my normal clothes, so I went into the change rooms. By the change room there were two doors. One I think was the one I came through, and one contained cleaning supplies. In the change room there were all these exercises, and I was going on one where you pulled yourself along with a rope in a wooden tunnel above the floor. Someone pushed in front of me, which was annoying.

#2 - The Casino's New Screen
I was on a tram, and we were arriving at a casino. I'm pretty sure I've seen that casino before in my dreams, so I asked why it had a new screen on top of it. (It was white, and more of an electronic billboard. There were also lots of LCD screens around.) Someone said that this was because the casino had to update every now and then. I thought the casino could probably easily afford it.

#3 - Lisp
I was in an arcade, and there was this game called Lisp. It was one of those games where you have the plastic gun and shoot at things on the screen. Someone I know started playing it, so I went looking for another game. I found someone getting a Diet Coke out of a fridge, and I said "You know you have to pay for that, right?" They did. They also offered me one, but I declined, not wanting to pay. By now the person playing Lisp had lost, and though they still had three more credits, the game wouldn't let them on, saying they were cruel to the animal they had in the game.

#4 - Monty Hall Pizza
I have no idea what was going on here. There seemed to be a competition for who could eat half a pizza, and when the judge came in, someone gave him a sheet describing the Monty Hall Problem.
The judge then drew two lines on this sheet in blue pen.

Now what really annoys me about these dreams is that I must have done a reality check five times, and none worked (or I failed to notice). Grrr...


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