Friday, March 30, 2007

bit of an oddity

My dream recall has been way down these past few nights - probably due to daylight savings coming in or out of effect, not sure which - so it was a strange dream last night. I was lucid, but I can't remember anything, except becoming lucid and walking across a rooftop. I also had a dream I was in a bathtub, and it was too cold so I turned on the hot tap.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Yeah, no updates. I just can't really write. I find it hard.

#1 - VoidMat - The Video Game
A third person view. I was watching a video game, much like the pokemon games on gameboy at the start, as there was this little guy who wandered around, and I was watching from a birds-eye view. There was a mat with VM on it (for voidmat) and a gate on this mat. However, the guy couldn't go through the gate yet. So he went to a dumpster, where there was an invisible bonus next to it. He went into a bonus stage down these stairs, where he had to roll past Bowser from the Mario series. Then he came to this room, where shuffling decks of cards were spelling out 666666 on the top of the decks. He ran away from it, and the dream ended.

#2 - Laos Sea Dragon
Right, this is the type of dream I started doing this for. I was using a new technique where you visualise the dream in your mind as you go to sleep, and it worked very well.

The dream started off in a park. I was jumping down some steps, and found I could float in the air. The people around me didn't believe me, so I kept trying, jumping into the air and floating around for a second. At this point, the dream cut to a scene in a shop, where I was buying chocolate powder, and someone else was buying marijuana in a bag of hay. I got home (but not my real house) from this store, went round the back since the front was locked, and let someone else in. Then it cut back to the flying thing.
I had succeeded in flying, and was going to show the world that it could be done. But before I did, I realised I should do a reality check, as flying doesn't really occur...

Though the reality check was a bit stubborn, it eventually got there, and I was lucid. I went inside a pagoda in the park, and asked a dream character for a transmogrifier gun. He gave it to me, and I used it on myself to try and turn into a dragon yet again. Happily, this time it worked, though after a few seconds it faded out. Apparently I was a Laos Sea Dragon.

After the fadeout I found myself back in the pagoda. The dream started fading, so I spun around and it came back. I got the transmogrifier gun again, and tried to turn myself into an eagle for some reason. (That's not one of my goals.) This didn't work, so I went back inside and using the transmogrifier gun again I tried to turn myself and several other people into slivers. Though several sliver statues appeared, nobody turned into one, and in frustration with the dream, I stormed out the door onto a nighttime road. I was suprised it was nighttime. There were two trucks with headlights on behind me. Then the dream faded out.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Lucid again!

#1 - The Airport
I was in this airport, waiting for someone. I was watching over the shoulder of someone who was doing stuff on a console which was a ocean creature mutator. You put in combinations of sea creatures and it would come out with new creatures. If you put too many creatures in however, it would always result in a parasite carrier, no matter what types of creatures. There were pictures of the mutated creatures too. This guy was adding a type of fish, and he'd got to this tube looking thing which was pretty big in the picture. Then he went too far, and it became a parasite carrier, so he rolled the numbers back a bit. Then I had a go, and I was changing sharks into different kinds of sharks. For the better ones you had to have gemstones, which I didn't.
Then I was walking along with a friend of mine, who was showing me some gold and silver coins. At some point the background changed to a road with everything black and red. He told me that the silver coin was worth a few hundred dollars and the gold one was worth sixteen thousand. I replied "Might I say...shit!"

#2 - Lucid in the forest
I was in a fairly green place. Something wasn't right, so I did a reality check, and my finger went through my hand. I said to a nearby dream character that I needed to go, and flew off. I kept flying into this same patch of leaves, so I flew off in one direction. I then went down to the ground and slithered along it, trying to change into a serpent, but I made the mistake of closing my eyes, and woke up.

#3 - Marijuana
I was in a classroom, and I was eating marijuana leaves. After they were all gone, I looked through my bag and through the chair to make sure none were left so I wouldn't be caught. I then worried that people might notice my bloodshot eyes. I couldn't think of a way out of that, so I was relieved when I woke up.

Glitter & guns.

#1 - Glitterazi
I was in this room, where people were all picking up glittery pieces of paper feverently. Apparently they were valuable. I got three (green, blue, and possibly brown. I think the green one had a skull on it) and tried to sell them, but nobody wanted to buy any. Then someone told me that people here were buying anything at all at high prices. So I sold something to this group of girls for $6. Then it's a bit of a blank, until I was selling my pocket lining. People were grabbing at it, but I shouted at them to get away, and cut off the lining with some scissors. Then I sold it, and got $12 instead of $10 as I expected, but they didn't look very enthusiastic.

#2 - Death Metal for Children
I was at a concert with all these little kids. A metal band came on the stage, singing very loudly with disturbing lyrics. One of the members of the band pointed a gun at one of the kids while singing something about how Santa was dead. I thought "Poor kid, now he'll be traumatised for life." Then they launched into a fairly light guitar song, not metal at all.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The maelstrom

#1 - Maelstrom
I was strapped to a stone slab while the grey sky was flailing about wildly above. There was another person also strapped to a stone slab. I stared at the sky, and saw through the clouds this big sign with a rainbow attached to it. The other guy saw something else, but I don't remember what it was now. Then somehow I was in a building in a winery. People were selling food, and I bought some cheese because it was cheap ($1.20). Someone gave me a bottle of tomato juice, and I thought that the cheese might be inside it, but it wasn't.

#2 - School
I was in a weird school. I was talking to this little kid who was learning Japanese. Then a group of a few people including me were taken to go watch a movie. It was going to be Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Then I started singing "Don't Touch That" by Weird Al Yankovic along with someone else across the room.

#3 - Tintin in Tibet
Outside the scene, two people were talking about how foolish people could be or something. To illustrate this point, a scene came up with Tintin in Tibet, who ordered this drink which was "Fruit and Nut" but was actually poison, and he was only saved by someone else drinking it.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


#1 - At the Swimming Pool
(details faded) I was at a swimming pool, and I needed to change back into my normal clothes, so I went into the change rooms. By the change room there were two doors. One I think was the one I came through, and one contained cleaning supplies. In the change room there were all these exercises, and I was going on one where you pulled yourself along with a rope in a wooden tunnel above the floor. Someone pushed in front of me, which was annoying.

#2 - The Casino's New Screen
I was on a tram, and we were arriving at a casino. I'm pretty sure I've seen that casino before in my dreams, so I asked why it had a new screen on top of it. (It was white, and more of an electronic billboard. There were also lots of LCD screens around.) Someone said that this was because the casino had to update every now and then. I thought the casino could probably easily afford it.

#3 - Lisp
I was in an arcade, and there was this game called Lisp. It was one of those games where you have the plastic gun and shoot at things on the screen. Someone I know started playing it, so I went looking for another game. I found someone getting a Diet Coke out of a fridge, and I said "You know you have to pay for that, right?" They did. They also offered me one, but I declined, not wanting to pay. By now the person playing Lisp had lost, and though they still had three more credits, the game wouldn't let them on, saying they were cruel to the animal they had in the game.

#4 - Monty Hall Pizza
I have no idea what was going on here. There seemed to be a competition for who could eat half a pizza, and when the judge came in, someone gave him a sheet describing the Monty Hall Problem.
The judge then drew two lines on this sheet in blue pen.

Now what really annoys me about these dreams is that I must have done a reality check five times, and none worked (or I failed to notice). Grrr...


I've tried hypnotising myself for lucid dreams. I have no idea yet whether it worked, but I soon will.

Anyway, dreams.

#1 - Dream Theater again.
Well, the band Dream Theater seems to keep popping up in my dreams, vaguely ironically. I'm now using it as a dreamsign. I was at a concert, and they were performing on the stage, though one of them had black & white facepaint on, like KISS. Then I walked out a door with a group of people, to these corridors with christmas lights in them. I think we were going to the library. I found a dagger on the carpeted floor, picked it up and thought this was like an RPG. Then there were several doorstoppers on the floor. We came to these stairs, where I saw someone fighting these summoned creatures. Then the dream ended