Saturday, April 21, 2007

Low recall

Haven't remembered much of my dreams recently. There was one last night which I can't remember much of, except that Frankenstein, a wizard, and I were trying to shut down a pirate CD store.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

#1 - I can't think of a name
Bit hazy, now that the day has torn at my memory with its bright harsh light, but some images still remain. It was vaguely lucid. I had to juggle for someone, and so I summoned some juggling balls, but even in my dreams I can't juggle. I went through a window and flew down above this beautiful mountain landscape, but the dream pulled me back to the building, so I just flew down again. I remembered the new trick I was going to use, summoning a potion that would turn me into a dragon, and I think it worked, though not as well as it could have. I could feel wings, which was something. I went down a lane like this, trying to fly up into the air, but I couldn't for some reason. Then lucidity faded, and I don't remember what happened.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

#1 - Shades Under Glass
I was in my house. I became aware that I was dreaming, and checked with a finger through my hand. I tried morphing as usual with the transmogrification gun, but I think I have a mental block there now. I'll have to try a new way, and I've already got one. Anyway, having read something about dream pets, I tried to summon a drake, but I think I tried a bit too hard here and the dream pushed back, so it didn't work. I got these strange two black things which I put in a glass frame. I had to stretch the frame for them to fit. Then I tried to stretch a piece of paper for some reason, but I just ripped it.

#2 - Machine Head
I was at a school, and I watched a video for a while, then looked up to find everyone was gone. I walked around to look for them, and found a plant. The Oblivion inventory screen came up, and if I combined this plant with a magic thing, I would get a Machine Head potion. I went to steal a magic thing, but then realised I could just summon one.

Monday, April 09, 2007

#1 - Mountain School
Hazy now. I was the only student at a school in the mountains. I was going to go bike riding but when I got there I realised not only I wasn't wearing any shoes, I wasn't wearing any clothes. I went back to get some.

#2 - The Argonian Account
Argonians were trying to take over the earth. I was walking down a street trying to incite them to rebel. Everyone was shooting at me, but I had a couch for armour, so I was fine. I found this staircase and hid from the fire in it. By the staircase there was a poster saying they had to do 20-hour duties. I went up the stairs to find a room with two people in it, giving out armour. I demanded some custom armour for my couch, and got some. At this point my toe was hurting, so I looked at it, and big red spikes were growing out of it. I think there were some on my arms, too. I wandered around a bit more, and found some Argonian soldiers. I asked them what they were getting personally for participating. They didn't know.

#3 - The Park, Part 1
I was in a park watching lines of people throw balls into a net. It somehow dawned on me that I was dreaming. Then a dream character came up to me and started talking. So I walked off, but this guy kept talking. Then I woke up.

#4 - The Park, Part 2
I was in the same park as before, moving these symbols on a wall about. I noticed that someone was walking up the wall into the air, and realised I was dreaming again. I'd forgotten what I was going to do, so I tried some morphing but it didn't work. Then I woke up again.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Canadian Carnival Coin Toss

#1 - I was in Canada, at a carnival, with someone called Clovic and someone else who kept mentioning he had three thousand dollars in his pocket. I went to the coin toss, where you throw a 20c coin and if it lands right in the square you win a prize, but the people I was with dragged me away to another coin toss with a slanted board, making it impossible to win. I complained it was rigged, but played anyway, losing. Then Clovic threw a coin at a postcard stand in the corner, winning a postcard. At this point, I got sick of that guy mentioning he had three thousand dollars, and asked him what the heck he had it for. He replied that it was his plane fare home.

There would have been more on this, but I didn't take notes when I woke up, and forgot most of it.