Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dream #1 - Up the river and down some roads

Lucid?: No.

Started in an airport. I was going on a plane trip but I then turned back on the plane because I had forgotten a few things. I remember when walking back through the terminal I was thinking about the time it would take for my luggage to go through the carousel. When I found what I had left behind (which was the green bamboo like thing and something else that was reddish pink) I threw it into a bin.

Next part I was at the end of a river and in this celebration where there were hundreds of thousands of people. So I held up this candy cane and started shouting "Joy!" and then everybody started doing it. Someone asked me why I was doing this, and I said "Why not?" (>_<. That should have been an obvious dreamsign.). As they did this the crowd got smaller, and eventually I looked back and a huge wall was blocking off the river. There was a movie in the wall and I went to watch it at the part in the rock formation in front of me where someone was chipping away at it. But they said that that spot was for blind people only, so I moved forward.

At some point here I remembered that I had left my wallet and phone on the riverbank, and I was worried for my wallet as it had $200 in it (which it doesn't currently, but recently did). I got my wallet back, but I was told by this kid that my phone and several people had been kidnapped by a slave dealer, and were now going up the river. So I went to stop them and also get my phone back. The kidnapped people were in a kayak made out of what looked like bark, and the slave guy seemed to be an oversized cross between a platypus and a beaver, but I remember thinking he looked like a platypus in the dream.

So there was a bit of a battle, though not really. I tried pulling the kayak away while underwater, holding my breath, but it didn't work for some reason. So I swam around for a while, and eventually found I could defeat the weird beaver/platypus by standing on it's neck. At this point, a couple of people came up and commended me for this.

Next thing, I was on a train, and this guy next to me was complaining about the window being open, as it was snowing and very cold outside. So I closed the window. Then the guy thanked me and went into a bit of a rant about "Blizzard schools".

Then, I was on the road to Mt. Hotham. I went by a ski shop that had a sign saying Camberwell, but didn't stop there. There was a jogger running along with me, wearing black. As I went lower, the snow that was on the sides of the road gradually disappeared. This bit sticks out in my mind, as the road and plants beside it were very realistic. Then I went up this steep slope, thinking that if I arrive in Dinner Plain I might need to catch the bus. That lead to a sign saying I had arrived at Dinner Plain, but there was a 3.8km track off to the side leading to Mt Hotham. I went down the track, and the dream ended.

Fragments: I remember a vague fragment of a dream where someone was telling me we'd go to Mt Hotham. Interesting how the dreams follow each other.